Frequently Asked Questions

How many employees will need to be involved and how long will the audit take?
Our audit and review process is seamless to your company and will result in minimal disruption to your ongoing business activities. Once we have the files and records we need, there is very little involvement required from you or your employees.
In many cases, our audit can even be conducted remotely.
What will this audit cost? What if you don't find any money to recover?
There is no capital commitment required when engaging our sales tax recovery service. The cost is based on a percentage of unclaimed tax credits, which are identified during the audit. We only make money if we’re able to save you money.
Contact us today so we can discuss your potential tax savings and increased profit margins.
What if we get audited by Canada Revenue Agency because of credits we've submitted?
Canada Audit will manage the process of appealing any subsequent decisions rendered by Canada Revenue Agency as a result of our review process. We stand firmly behind our ability to accurately report tax recovery opportunities.
Where does the audit take place?
The audit can take place either onsite at your location, or remotely. In either scenario, you will not be responsible for travel costs or any other capital commitments.
What is the statute of recovery on Canadian sales taxes? How far back in our financial history can we go as part of the audit process?
We can recover unclaimed tax credits as far back as 4 years from the original filing date.