Canada: 289-488-3023

Corporate Income Tax Consulting

Navigating the complex world of Canadian corporate tax law can be a cumbersome and time-consuming process for U.S. non-resident corporations doing business in Canada.

Canada Audit Group’s team of tax specialists includes Chartered Professional Accountant expertise which can provide your company with the knowledge and experience to streamline your Canadian corporate income tax reporting and compliance.

We can consult with you on the preparation of all necessary documents and filings, including:

  • T2-Canadian Corporate Tax Return
  • Form T106-Information Return of Non-Arms Length Transactions with Non-Residents
  • Form T1135-Foreign Income Verification Statement
  • Form T1134-Information Return relating to controlled and non-controlled foreign affiliates

We can help you understand and comply with tax withholding requirements for U.S.-based employees providing services in Canada (Regulation 105). In addition, we can help you assess your eligibility for tax relief relative to this regulation, including preparation and submission of the waiver application. Approval of this waiver application can make a significant positive impact to your cash flow and bottom line.

Finally, we can provide expert advice and assistance with the completion and filing of non-resident employee personal tax returns, including forms T4, T4A, T5 and NR4 information preparation and reporting.

Contact us to learn more about our Corporate Income Tax Consulting service.